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Have a software concept? We understand that there is more to software development than just. The best solutions start with a conversation. Our expertise is developing custom web applications in Yii, Laravel, ASP . Net, My SQL, MS SQL, MongoDB, Microsoft Azure and Amazon. As founder and CEO of VKLi.
Latvian Credit Union
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Edited by Arveds Švābe, Kārlis Straubergs, Edīte Hauzenberga-Šturma. For permission to create this electronic edition. The University of Virginia also gratefully acknowledges permission from Dr. Imants Freibergs to utilize his keyboarded text version of Latviešu tautas dziesmas. In ASCII format, known as the Boston-Montreal Dainas Data Base, in creating this searchable XML edition.
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With the rise of Christianity, Lieldienas was celebrated on the day. As I could not choose one, here is a collection of colourful, cheerful and mischievous vintage Latvian Easter cards.
Taverna pie senā Dzintara Ceļa atrodas Vecrīgas visgarākajā ēkā - Jēkaba Kazarmās, Torņa ielā 4 - 2C. Šajā ēkā gandrīz visos laikos mājojuši zaldāti un tādēļ nebrīnieties, ja pēkšņi dzirdēsiet viņu soļus, ieroču šķindas, mīlas čukstus. Ja neticiet palieciet pie mums līdz pusnaktij! Tavernā valda omulīga senlatviska noskaņa, kuru Jūs baudīsiet sveču gaismā, klausoties latviešu dzīvo mūziku kokli, dūdas, akordeonu, vijoli.